Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Winter Melon Soup

Ingredient :
400g Winter Melon
250g Pork Ribs
Half Carrot (Peeled and cut to small chunks)
10 Dried Pitted Red Dates
4-5 Dried Scallops
1.5 Litres Water

Seasoning :

Method :
1) Blanch pork ribs in boiling water for about 5minutes, to remove
     the dirty bits and rinse blanched pork pieces and set aside.
2) Place 1.5 litres of water into a pot and bring it to boil then add in
     all the ingredient and let it boil again for another 5-10 minutes.
3) Then simmer the soup over low heat for 45 minutes.
     Season with salt before serving.

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